Currently there are so many quality products on the market, The R & V Works FF4 12 Gallon Four Basket Portable Cajun Deep Fryer w/ Stand is one that is worth buying. The R & V Works FF4 12 Gallon Four Basket Portable Cajun Deep Fryer w/ Stand is a high quality product that everyone can invest on..
R & V Works FF4 12 Gallon Four Basket Portable Cajun Deep Fryer w/ Stand Description
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more info.
- - Feeds 70 - 80 people per hour
- - Basket Size : 13 1/4 x 5 3/8 x 5 5/8
- - Oil Capacity : 12 Gallons
- - Four basket Cajun Fryer
- - Includes Cajun Fryer thermometer
This 12 Gallon Cajun Fryer includes four regular sized fry baskets and a stand with four wheels. The 12 Gallon Cajun Fryer is a Commercial Cajun Fryer, used for frying at festivals and for extra-large groups. You will be able to feed a minimum of 70 to 80 people with this large Commercial Cajun Fryer. The Commercial Cajun Fryer is an outdoor deep fryer only and is not for indoor use. If you are looking for the same quality, fast cooking that you get in your commercial setting, but outdoors . . . the Commercial Cajun Fryer is the Cajun Fryer we suggest. The Cajun Fryer is THE most popular deep fryer on the market. The Cajun Fryer brand deep fryer is well known in the South because of its high performance, low maintenance and versatility. Cajun Fryer is unsurpassed in quality. The Cajun Fryer has a fire that burns inside the tubes to heat the oil. Since heat rises, the Cajun Fryer cooking chamber is able to reach temperatures sufficient enough to fry any type of food. The meal and sediments collect in the Cajun Fryer's VEE bottom below the burner tube which is the coolest area in the Cajun Fryer. The temperature in the VEE never exceeds 120 degrees, even though the cooking chamber maintains 250 degrees for hours. The design of all the Cajun Fryers are to have an estimated 70% reduction in oil use. The oil stays clean and food always tastes good with the Cajun Fryer. The Cajun Fryer people recommend changing your oil after 25 - 30 normal cooking's and strain oil every five cooking's. (That ain't a typo!) The Cajun Fryer doubles oil life expectancy due to its design. The Cajun Fryer has fewer oil changes and more consistent temperatures. You'll recoup your investment within a short time in oil costs alone! The Cajun Fryer basket has a nickel plated finish and are made to last. The long, lasting rugged construction makes this deep fry basked perfect for use with the Cajun Fryer.
Cheap R & V Works FF4 12 Gallon Four Basket Portable Cajun Deep Fryer w/ Stand
Cheap Price R & V Works FF4 12 Gallon Four Basket Portable Cajun Deep Fryer w/ Stand
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